Oct 15, 2023Liked by Joyce Reynolds-Ward

I’m browsing the comments on the Lit Mag News post that inspired this and am also surprised by the variety of responses: https://litmagnews.substack.com/p/is-it-unethical-to-submit-previously/

It’s not ethical to submit previously published work to those who don’t want it. The only “it depends” answer appropriate here is *if* previously published work is allowed, it depends on what rights you still have, which to your point, is a legal question not one of what the writer feels entitled to.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Speaking of STORY, I won the Harvey Swados Prize at my MFA program and Martha Foley was the judge. The story was then published in Redbook and launched my career as well as making me--for a grad student, a ton of money.

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